I just adore oracle cards. I think I am addicted to buying new sets. So I am sharing with you a reading each month (and maybe more often if I get time).
Since its such a magical time of year, for December's reading I am using Doreen Virtue's Magical Unicorn Deck.
The first card is that of
CURIOSITY. What are most curious about RIGHT NOW? What have you been reading about or googling lately? What really gets your passion going? This is a message of confirmation for you to delve deeper into this interest. Start a project that you have been putting off, or take that course that you've been deliberating over. Often our curiosity about certain times in history or events may be because of a past life memory we are holding. Have you always been interested in Egyptians, Native Americans or Salem Witches? Its possible then, that your soul may have had a lifetime as one of these people. So follow your curiosity, follow your intuition and follow your guides wherever they may lead you.
And next the Unicorns give us that absolute confirmation that
DEFINITELY YES you should move forward with this idea. I feel this is particularly a message for those of you wanting to start a new course in the new year, wanting to try something completely different, taking a completely new step towards their true life path. So again, follow that curiosity, find what it is you truly want to do, and then YES move forward, even if it is just small steps at first. In this card you can see the Unicorn is standing in very shallow water but he has dared to get his feet wet, the rocky waters are behind him, as is the dark of the forest. He is starting on his new and magical journey...
Finally they are saying
IT'S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT. This again follows on beautifully from the last two cards. Affirming that it is OK to be who you want to be. It is OK to follow that new path or take that new course or move into that new line of work, no matter how WACKY it might seem to some. Many people, when they begin a spiritual journey fear that what they're learning or reading is so far out there that people will think they've lost their marbles. They may not want to share any of their beliefs with their family for fear of being ridiculed or branded WACKY. We are moving into strange and exciting times, and I believe there is little time for being "normal".
This is a very important card to get for December, and more specifically Christmas, because Christmas is a time most of spend with our families and perhaps catch up with people we haven't seen for a while and for those perceivably "wacky" people, like myself, this can often feel like a lonely time too. Because of our spiritual awakening, we may feel quite distant from those who are not on the same path. At family get-together's we may be the running joke - certainly I often am, when my family will joke "Just get Lynn to ask the angels what we should do" or "does that fairy on the tree have a message for you?" and everyone has a good chuckle. I chuckle along with them, because I am safe in the knowledge that
WACKY IS WHERE IT'S AT. Its OK to be different.
I work with the Archangels a lot, so finally I asked which Archangel we should all be working with this month, and that is:
Archangel Jophiel is perceived in the beautiful Doreen Virtue Archangels oracle deck as a feminine angel and this is certainly how I always see "her" but of course angels are neither sex, however they often do embody a more masculine or feminine essence.
Jophiel's message for this month is that of PATIENCE. Again they are bringing me back to these new projects, courses, career moves... all these things are going to manifest in 2011 but Jophiel is saying that we may not see the physical results until Spring of 2011, so the rest of Winter is to be a time of nurturing our dreams. By all means do not think this time of waiting is in any way stagnant, things are moving for you, you will just not be able to see it just yet. Remember the planting of the seeds is just as important as the end result of the beautiful plant or flower. So take time this month for inner journey's, for contemplation, for making your wishes and putting your cosmic orders out to the Universe.
Please call upon Archangel Jophiel this month to give you guidance. She is often seen in the mind's eye as a bright daffodil yellow colour. She is also good to communicate with outdoors, so wrap up warm and take a long walk in the park, be still and just listen for her guidance.
Peace & Love,